Wednesday, April 18, 2007



If you are at this blog, I would imagine that you are at least moderately interested in finding out information on scholarships and grants. Let your fingers do the walking…that is an old phrase that was used to promote the use of the telephone and the phone book to help you track things down instead of driving all over town from shop to shop.  That was obviously also before the advent of the internet.  Even with the comparative lightening fast speed of the internet you can spend a great deal of time trying to track down information on scholarships and grants and still end up at a lot of dead ends.


The Scholarship and Grant Guide by Jerry Bohlken is your one stop shopping source for currently available scholarships and grants.  The research in this guide is ongoing and contains up-to-date information compiled from over 40 different scholarship databases.  And it is important to note here that these scholarships are not just for those students who had great test scores or class ranks.


One small fee provides you with lifetime privileges to this guide.  If you find just one scholarship, you will probably make your money back.  If you are a parent with more than one child, this guide could be worth its weight in gold.


To check out Jerry Bohlken’s Scholarship and Grant Guide
<a href="" target="_top">
Click Here!</a>

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Rude awakening

So, I consolidated my student loans awhile back to have the benefit of a lower monthly payment. Little did I realize that I as actually adding about $500 to my indebtedness, and I only owed about $10,000 to begin with!! I feel used and mis-led. Sallie Mae, the one who had my loans originally is now being investigated by the government for fraudulent practices. I feel that the government should investigate every company in the entire industry!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Government Grant Programs you can use!

$5,000 for Women Who Support Families
Program Name: Women Opportunity Awards
Amount (Max): $5,000
Income Requirements: Financial Need
Geographic Requirements: Nationwide
Other Requirements: Eligible applicants must be women who provide the primary financial support for their families, and who are enrolled in or have been accepted to a vocational/skills training program or an undergraduate degree program.
Contact: Must apply through regional office. To locate office check

$2,000 for Wal-Mart Employees
Program Name: Wal-Mart Higher REACH Scholarships
Amount (Max): $2,000
Income Requirements: Financial Need
Geographic Requirements: None
Other Requirements: Must be employee or Wal-Mart for at least one year.
Contact: Wal-Mart Higher REACH Scholarship Program, c/o Scholarship Program Administrators, Inc., P.O. Box 22492, Nashville, TN 37202; 866-524-7385;
Application: (Access key: WALMT)

Money For Lutheran Laywomen
Program Name: Opportunity Scholarships for Lutheran Laywomen
Amount (Max): Varies
Income Requirements: Financial Need
Geographic Requirements: None
Other Requirements: Must be 21 years old and member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and have an interruption in education of two or more years. Provides assistance to women studying for a career other than the ordained ministry. May be enrolled in undergraduate, graduate, or vocational school.
Contact: Women of the ELCA, Scholarships Program, 8765 W. Higgins Rd., Chicago, IL 60631; 800-638-3522 ext. 2736;

$16,000 for Women to Study Accounting
Program Name: The "Women in Transition" Scholarship
Amount (Max): $16,000 over 4 years
Income Requirements: Financial Need
Geographic Requirements: None
Other Requirements: Money is for incoming or current freshmen and women returning to school with a freshmen status to pursue a degree in accounting. This is for women who do not possess a college degree or who have few marketable skills since they have focused on being a homemaker.
Contact: The Educational Foundation for Women in Accounting, National Headquarters, P.O. Box 1925, Southeastern, PA 19399-1925; 610-407-9229;

$2,000 for Your First Degree
Program Name: The "Women in Need" Scholarship
Amount (Max): $2,000 for 2 years
Income Requirements: Financial Need
Geographic Requirements: None
Other Requirements: Money is for incoming or current juniors to pursue a degree in accounting.
Contact: The Educational Foundation for Women in Accounting, National Headquarters, P.O. Box 1925, Southeastern, PA 19399-1925; 610-407-9229;

Money for Women 25 and Older
Program Name: Linda Lael Miller Scholarships for Women
Amount (Max): Varies
Income Requirements: Financial Need
Geographic Requirements: None
Other Requirements: For women age 25 or older and are non-traditional students. Money can be used for tuition and books, as well as childcare, transportation, and other expenses.
Contact: Linda Lael Miller Scholarships for Women, c/o Nancy Berland Public Relations, Inc., 2816 NW 57th St., Suite 101, Oklahoma City, OK 73112

Up to $10,000 for Women Engineers
Program Name: Society of Women Engineers Reentry Scholarships
Amount (Max): $10,000
Income Requirements: Financial Need
Geographic Requirements: None
Other Requirements: Scholarship is to assist women in obtaining credentials necessary to reenter the workforce as engineers. Must be out of school and workforce for at least two years.
Contact: The Society of Women Engineers, 230 East Ohio St., Suite 400 Chicago, IL 60611; 312-596-5223;

$5,000 for Royal Neighbor Members
Program Name: New Horizons Scholarships
Amount (Max): $5,000
Income Requirements: Financial Need
Geographic Requirements: None
Other Requirements: Must be member of Royal Neighbors of America for at least two years. Must be female member age 35 or older who is enrolled full or part-time in college, university, junior college, or vocational school.
Contact: Royal Neighbors of America, 230 Sixteenth St., Rock Island, IL 61201; 800-627-4762

$1,000 for Golden Key Members
Program Name: Golden Key\'s GEICO Life Scholarship
Amount (Max): $1,000
Income Requirements: Financial Need
Geographic Requirements: None
Other Requirements: Must be member of Golden Key National Honour Society. Award is for those who are doing well in school with managing a family or career.
Contact: Scholarship Program Administrators, Golden Key Scholarships/Awards, P.O. Box 23737; Nashville, TN 37202;

$1,200 for Those 24 and Older
Program Name: Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society
Amount (Max): $1,200
Income Requirements: Financial Need
Geographic Requirements: None
Other Requirements: Must be 24 years of age or older and enrolled in a two or four year college with an overall grade point of 3.4 (having completed 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours).
Contact: ASL Adult Education Foundation, c/o ASL National Office, School of Continuing Education, Eastern Illinois University, 600 Lincoln Ave., Charleston, IL 61920; 217-581-7106;

Money for � Indian Displaced Homemakers
Program Name: AAIA Displaced Homemaker Scholarship
Amount (Max): $1,000
Income Requirements: Financial Need
Geographic Requirements: None
Other Requirements: Must be � Indian. Open to men and women who are having difficulty completing their education because of family responsibilities. Money can be used for child care, transportation, living expenses, as well as educational costs.
Contact: Lisa Wyzlic, Director of Scholarship Programs, Association on American Indian Affairs, 966 Hungerford Dr., Suite 12-B, Rockville, MD 20850; 240-314-7155;

$1,500 for Working Science or Technology Professionals
Program Name: AFCEA Scholarship for Working Professionals
Amount (Max): $1,500
Income Requirements: Financial Need
Geographic Requirements: None
Other Requirements: Must be employed in science or technology areas. This is for undergraduate or graduate students and enrolled part-time in a science or technology major.
Contact: AFCEA Educational Foundation, 4400 Fair Lakes Court
Fairfax, VA 22033-3899; 703-631-6149 or 800-336-4583 ext. 6149;

$2,000 for Mothers to Go to School
Program Name: Education Support Awards
Amount (Max): $2,000
Income Requirements: Financial Need
Geographic Requirements: Nationwide
Other Requirements: For low-income women, especially mothers, pursuing technical, undergraduate or graduate education.
Contact: Patsy Takemoto Mink Foundation, PO Box 60010, Florence, MA 01062; or Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Foundation, PO Box 479, Honolulu, HI 96809

$500 or More to Train to Defend Your Country
Program Name: HORIZONS Scholarships
Amount (Max): $500
Income Requirements: Financial Need
Geographic Requirements: Nationwide
Other Requirements: For women who are pursuing or plan to pursue, careers related to US national security; must have a minimum GPA of 3.25 and be studying engineering, computer science, physics, mathematics, business, law, international relations, political science, operations Research, economics or other fields of study demonstrated relevant to a career in the areas of national security or defense.
Contact: HORIZONS, c/o WID, 2111 Wilson Blvd., Suite 400, Arlington, VA 22201; 1-703-247-2552; Fax: 1-703-522-1885;

$10,000 for Women to Study Computers
Program Name: Google Anita Borg Scholarship
Amount (Max): $10,000
Income Requirements: Financial Need
Geographic Requirements: Nationwide
Other Requirements: For women who are computer science, computer engineering, or related technical field majors. Students must be entering their senior year of undergraduate study or be enrolled in a graduate program.
Contact: Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship Program, Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043;; Email:

Free Tuition Plus a Guaranteed Job for Nurses
Program Name: University of the District of Columbia Scholarships
Amount (Max): FREE tuition, FREE books, a $250 monthly stipend, and guaranteed job placement as a nurse at Providence Hospital upon graduation
Income Requirements: Financial Need
Geographic Requirements: Nationwide
Other Requirements: For anyone between 18-28 years old who is interested in the nursing field.
Contact: Ms. Beshon Smith at 202-266-5481 or Email:

$2,000 Helps You Go to School if You\'ve Been Abused
Program Name: Women\'s Independence Scholarship Program (WISP)
Amount (Max): $2,000
Income Requirements: Financial Need
Geographic Requirements: Nationwide
Other Requirements: For survivors of domestic violence who will be full- or part-time students and interested in attending vocational, community college, four-year degree or graduate studies programs.
Contact: Women\'s Independence Scholarship Program, Sunshine Lady Foundation, Inc., 4900 Randall Parkway, Suite H, Wilmington , NC 28403; 1-866-255-7742 or 1-910-397-7742; Fax: 1-910-397-0023;; Email:

$3,000 to Further Your Education in Social Work
Program Name: Counselor, Advocate and Support Staff Scholarship Program (CASS)
Amount (Max): $3,000
Income Requirements: Financial Need
Geographic Requirements: Nationwide
Other Requirements: For workers already in the field of domestic violence to develop or enhance skills necessary to increase their effectiveness in serving their clients.
Contact: Sunshine Lady Foundation, Inc., 4900 Randall Parkway, Suite H, Wilmington, NC 28403; 1-866-255-7742 or 1-910-397-7742; Fax: 1-910-397-0023;; Email: